I am happy to publish an interview with CHERRYSHARES
1. Please introduce yourself to my readers. What position do you occupy in CHERRYSHARES
I’m Dane Wolf, Managing Director of Cherryshares, I work in Hong Kong. I left a fun job with a commercial bank on Wall St. financing commodity companies in 1998. For the past 10 years I’ve been building an on-line business at investments.
It’s been pretty successful. A few years ago I was invited to work with Cherryshares, a private investment pool. In the course of growing this business, I’ve developed some website tools that generate a good income.
2. Can you tell us about the history behind CHERRYSHARE ?
Cherryshares operates online since the end of 2007, it gone public in
August of 2008 with Brooksell Universal Limited Company. We work directly with closed investors groups and prosperity clubs.
3. Where is your company located? Is your company registered and legal?
We operate from Hong Kong, Brooksell Universal Limited Company is registered in New Zealand, Registration No. 2164408. All contact information you can find on our website.
4. What are the plans CHERRYSHARES offers to its investors? Do you think they will be sustainable in the long run?
We offer three investment plans: short-term, medium-term and long-term
Short-term – allows you to invest funds with possibility of weekly interest withdrawal. Usually we advise our new clients to start with this investment plan, since it lets people to check personally on how our project operates.
1. Interest is available for withdrawal anytime
2. ROI* 1.9% weekly
3. Fixed 50 percent of the short-term balance available for withdrawal every week pay period**
Medium-term – this plan is in demand among investors who want to earn as much as possible in the shortest amount of time. It is extremely popular among investors who need to pay back debts or cover any mortgages or credits.
1. Interest is available for withdrawal anytime
2. ROI 2.8% weekly
3. Investment horizon is 100-week pay periods, begins when an initial deposit is made
4. Balance of the medium-term plan will be available for withdrawal at the investment horizon’s end
Long-term – Any serious investor has to think in global terms! You will be able to make a huge profit and provide well for the rest of your life. We used to offer this plan only for a limited number of people, but recently it became incredibly popular because of financial crisis. Probably soon we will have to quit accepting funds from our new users, keeping it only to those who invest with us for a long time.
1. ROI 3.1% weekly COMPOUNDED***
2. Investment horizon is 100-week pay periods, begins when an initial deposit is made
3. Balance of the long-term plan will be available for withdrawal at the investment horizon’s endWe have a backup for $28M and I think we will run for 10 more years facing no problems. Our partners can handle up to 1.5 Billion per year. Cherryshares is the only pool that is suitable for long run.
5. What are the income sources that will help you to sustain the payouts to online investors? What will happen in case your investments fail?
Our company was originally aimed at looking for partners with the help of innovative technologies. Among our clients there are those who were one of the first to get accustomed in e-commerce and learn ways to make money there. It was a phone and a Bank that used to connect us, nowadays it is internet. And each user has complete control over their funds. We made our first steps when we started cooperating with different high yield investment funds. And we took most of our clients’ funds and placed them there. We cooperated with many companies, but unfortunately most of them were unsuccessful or were planned ahead to be fraudulent.
Yes, we had lost money. After bankruptcy of several companies we have paused with our activity. Taking into consideration that it was a long-term cooperation they were happy anyway and eventually stayed in profit.
After this unpleasant story we have revealed an absolutely new way to generate income. While in the process of covering losses of our clients, our company management decided to take a risk and was able to return lost funds with the help of converting certain currencies. This solution was found in an unusual way of converting a certain currency into another currency at a 1:1 rate. We have thought through this possibility to make money this way for a long time.For example cross rate of USD and EUR 1 USD = 1.00000, EUR = 1.30. We can convert EUR to USD at rate 1:1. And it’s 30% interest we earn from each deal.
6. Why do you only accept Liberty Reserve as your payment processor? Do you have plans to add other e-currencies in the near future?
We accept Liberty Reserve and direct Bank wire deposits/withdrawals at European bank account with a minimum amount of 5,000.00 USD. More options are coming.
7. What kind of script do you use on CHERRYSHARES website? Is it safe and secure?
We have a unique script written by our Technical department. I can’t say that it’s 100% secure and safe but we do our best to correct any error in timely manner. You can be sure that your funds cannot be stolen, the website have no access to our Bank Account.
8. Do you offer an affiliate program?
Yes we have a wonderful affiliate program, many people work with us and make a good return. We offer from 3% up to 25% commission according to your referral activity.
9. How much time does CHERRYSHARES plan to stay online? What are your plans for the near future?
We are very young company; we would like to work at least 8-15 years, maybe after that we will become a real financial institution.
10. In your opinion what differentiates CHERRYSHARES from similar programs? Do you think your HYIP can be successful among many scam programs?
First of all we are not a HYIP. Most HYIP offer very high rate on daily basis. Actually I don’t even know how to compare cherryshares and other programs, there are no other Cherryshares at this market.
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